So, it's been ages since I last wrote anything, clearly my resolution to write more went right out of the window and life took over. Must try harder. In my defence, moving flat, starting a new job and various life drama's have hindered any written stylings but again must try harder.
At the moment I am styling for a luxury men's magazine, not naming names and no it isn't that kind of men's magazine. Definitely no ex TOWIE girls flashing their shit boob jobs here and talking about Jermaine Defoe cheating on them. Which, slightly off point, but are you really surprised love?
However, as I've found myself becoming slowly and completely immersed in men's fashion, I've started to love it. Something that although was on my radar, had never been a focus, for obvious reasons. Don't get me wrong, I always knew my Dior Homme from my Dunhill, as any fashionista would but who knew there was such a world of different shirts and trouser cuts out there. Men's fashion is more subtle than women's, however that doesn't mean that it isn't as interesting. As a stylist, I find it more challenging. There are so many ways to style up a girl but with men you have to really know your shit to get a good shot and it look amazing on the page.
I have to confess, I've always been one to go slightly weak at the knee's for a male fashionista, David Gandy case in point. And in the past few years, men's fashion has been quietly having a revolution, with more and more labels and boutique brands springing up. Fashion is no longer just for girl's it seems. Thank fuck. Who wants to date a man wearing boot cut jeans and shiny loafers?!
What with the launch of the stand alone London Collections: MEN in June, blogs like The Sartorialist chronicling stylish men around the globe, and the high street finally catching up and starting to churn out trend led collections rather than printed tee's and terribly cut shirts, plus the rise of the pocket square and even Tinie Tempah sitting FROW at LFW shows, there really is no excuse for any man to look less than impeccable at all times.
I've even caught myself checking out men's outfits in a critical styling way rather than straight out perving. What has happened to me? I actually caught myself accessing a man's outfit yesterday and mentally dressing him in different trousers as his bottoms were too heavy for the outfit. This was previously exclusive to women only, or fit boys. And yes, all girls do it. There really is no hope for my impossibly high standards of ever being met now. And really who needs this season's Mulberry when you have a stylish man on your arm. Best accessory ever.
So on that bombshell, a bit of eye Gandy. Obviously purely to illustrate my point as a pinnacle of style and taste. Nothing to do with how he looks. At all....x M
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